Inauguration Concert of Yordan Kamdzhalov

Inauguration concert of Yordan Kamdzhalov, chief conductor of the Rijeka Opera Orchestra

Following memorable concerts at the Rijeka theatre under the baton of Yordan Kamdzhalov, we are continuing with fulfilling the wishes of our audience, namely, it is Yordan Kamdzhalov who is taking up the position of the Rijeka Opera chief conductor! He formerly had this position in Heidelberg as chief conductor of the Opera and the Philharmonic, the Schloss Festival and the Winter Barick Festival; he conducted important orchestras worldwide, received numerous prestigious international prizes; in 2010 he was nominated for the Best Conductor of the Year in Germany, etc. The critics called him “the most perspective young conductor of the 21st century”, “a genius in the world of music” and ‘the brave wizard who can mesmerise all, be it in the orchestra or the audience”, whose interpretation is that of “extraordinary ardour and brave and uncompromising consistency”.

It was under his baton with the Rijeka Orchestra that Bruckner’s Symphony No. 4, the “Romantic”, thrilled the audience, while now it is the turn of Bruckner’s the Seventh. An excerpt from the review of Symphony No. 4 at the Zajc: It was a top-grade musical event at the Rijeka CNT Ivan pl. Zajc, the “Bruckner” symphony concert under the amazing baton of the guest, young Bulgarian conductor Yordan Kamdzhalov, that took the audience’s breath away. Gloria Fabijanić Jelović, HRT Radio Rijeka

Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 7 in E-major, WAB 107
I. Allegro moderato
II. Adagio. Sehr feierlich und sehr langsam
III. Scherzo: Sehr schnell – Trio: Etwas langsamer
IV. Finale: Bewegt, doch nicht schnell

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