Ivan pl. Zajc

The opera Nikola Šubić Zrinjski by Ivan pl. Zajc premiered at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb on November 4, 1876, nine years before the opening of the Rijeka theatre building. Zrinjski, directed by Dora Ruždjak Podolski, divided the audience at the time of its premiere, and its relevance is now especially emphatic due to its placement in a dystopian space in which chorister scientists are trying to find a formula for the salvation of the nation, which anticipated exactly the global situation we find ourselves in today. Thanks to the idea of maestro Igor Vlajnić, who will conduct the performance, the opera will still be performed with musicians in the orchestra pit at the recommended safety distance, since the composition of the orchestra will be exactly as it was during the long-ago Zagreb premiere, with approximately 30 musicians.


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