Premiere VOCI – The Past, Present and Future of Italian Drama in Rijeka
Documentary film

Marco Di Stefano / Chiara Boscaro / Antonio Simone Giansanti

An Italian Drama production with the support of the Italian Union

75 years have passed since the creation of the Italian Drama company. 75 years of laughter, tears and memories. More than 300 premieres in the Italian language outside Italian borders. Many people have either forgotten or are unaware of the importance of this ensemble: the pride of the Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka, the unique and first permanent Italian ensemble.

For this anniversary, a documentary was made with the financial contribution of the Italian Union: “Voci – the Past, Present and Future of Italian Drama” by Chiara Boscaro, Marco Di Stefano and Antonio Simone Giansanti. The film uses 1946 archival material, alternating with interviews. Spanning from the founding of the Teatro del Popolo to the COVID-19 pandemic, the stories are dedicated to those who are already familiar with the Italian Drama, but also to those who are coming into contact with the history of this ensemble for the first time.
Don’t miss these events – come with us to celebrate this important achievement!


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