The Croatian Drama company’s final premiere of the season was met with uproarious laughter and applause, accompanied by numerous shouts of “Bravo!” The play was Branislav Nušić’s comedy “Madame Minister”, adapted and directed by Tatjana Mandić Rigonat, featuring Olivera Baljak in the title role. The audience responded with a standing ovation, applauding Olivera Baljak and the cast and crew. Here are a few of their comments:
“I am delighted. Nothing has changed throughout history; it’s always the same, only today we have even more ministers. Everything was great, from the directing and acting to set design, costumes, lighting, music and movement. Olivera Baljak rules the stage.”
“Fun! They are all great! Though these are new times with some new signs of snobbery, Nušić’s text is always current. I also like the additions to the adaptation.”
“Lively and cheerful! Comedy for the soul.”
“Almost a century has passed since Nušić wrote ‘Madame Minister,’ and everything is still valid, every word! The whole team is excellent.”
“Looking at the whole – a great acting ensemble, only praise.”
“I laughed from my heart. The play was a complete success. The director made a miracle out of the ensemble. We finally have a comedy we can enjoy. Nušić is eternal. Congratulations to all.”
“The whole musical backdrop is more than brilliant; the dance and movement on stage is perfectly suited to everything that happens.”
“Katunar’s scenography is first-rate, and the costumes by Manuela Paladin Šabanović are incredible – deliberately exalted and charming.”
“Everyone is great, but Olivera Baljak shines! She is really masterful and deserves every honor!”
The reprise performances of “Madame Minister” will take place on July 20 and 21 at 9 PM, then again in September.