Competitors, female and male, of any nationality that turned 21 on the date of application, or older than 21, are welcome to apply.
The competition is organized in three rounds:
– 1st round – 1 opera aria of own choosing – with piano accompaniment
– Semi-final round – 2 opera arias of own choosing – with piano accompaniment
– Final round – 2 opera arias selected from the enclosed list – concert accompanied by the Orchestra of the Croatian National Theatre “Ivan pl. Zajc” in Rijeka
A singer may not repeat the same aria in the different stages of the competition. All competition rounds are public.
The organizer will provide accompanists and an opportunity for rehearsal prior to each round of the competition. The competitors are allowed to bring their own accompanists at their own expense
An international jury comprised of distinguished singers, conductors, opera company directors and music agents will evaluate the competitors according to the following criteria: technical preparedness, musicality, voice quality and artistic personality.
The decisions of the jury are irrevocable and not subject to any kind of appeal
Competition jury (2015):
Fabrizio Melano – opera director, New York City
Kms Olivera Miljaković – vocal pedagogue, Vienna State Opera
Mariano Horak – artists manager, Agentur “Caecilia”, Zürich
Tibor Bogányi – Chief-conductor of the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra
Kalle Kanttila – artists manager, International Opera Artists
Marin Blazevic – professor of performance studies and opera dramaturgy, Opera Company Director and Dramaturge, Croatian National Theatre “Ivan pl. Zajc” in Rijeka, co-founder of the «Zinka Milanov» competition
Vlatka Oršanić – singer, Slovenian National Theatre in Ljubljana, Head of Department of Voice – Academy of Music, University of Zagreb, co-founder and director of the «Zinka Milanov» competition
1st prize – €3,000
2nd prize – €2,000
3rd prize – €1,000
Special award: appearances in the projects of the Croatian National Theatre “Ivan pl. Zajc” in Rijeka, either opera production or a concert.
Participation fee is €80 payable to the following bank account:
HNK “Ivana pl. Zajca” Rijeka
Uljarska 1
51000 Rijeka
IBAN: HR2623600001102027960
OIB: HR 73674241432
Full name:
Date of birth:
Voice type:
Copy of an ID document:
Photograph (JPG, 1 MB max):
Brief CV:
Participation fee payment confirmation:
Repertoire for the competition, divided by rounds:
Application deadline: 25 of June 2015
Please send in your applications to the following address:
HNK can recommend you accommodation in:
Grand Hotel “Bonavia” http://www.bonavia.hr/en, http://www.jadran-hoteli.hr, which are our business partners, but there are numerous other possibilities for accommodation in Rijeka, here are some links with information that can help you: http://www.visitrijeka.eu/Where_To_Stay/Hostels_and_Hostelry