Stage director, playwright and pedagogue born in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, in 1978. He is part of the Organization Q group, with which he has released Number 7 (2017 production of the Teatro Nacional Cervantes), Aleeegría (Teatrés award 2016) , Number 8 (28th National Theater Festival – Jujuy 2014), Oedipus R. (24th National Theater Party – Chaco, Argentina 2009, International Festival of Living Arts Loja 2017, Ecuador), Number 9 (FEATEC award 2005 best show ), El Barroco Caos (IV International Festival of Theater Mercosur- Córdoba, Argentina 2004), among others. Also highlighted within his production are Bufón (31 Fiesta Nacional Del Teatro – Tucumán 2016, Circuito Teatral INT 2016, Escenas Argentinas, within the framework of Argentina Plataforma ARCO Madrid, Spain 2017, Festival Caracas, Venezuela 2019), Fahrenheit by Daniel Salzano (produced by the Cine Club Municipal Córdoba, Argentina 2010, inspired by Ray Bradbury’s novel), La Muerte de Dantón De Georg Buchner (cast of UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina 2010), El Público by F. García Lorca and El Jardín de los Cerezos by A. Chejov (both productions of the Teatro Real for La Comedia Cordobesa in 2008 and 2009), Yesterdei, things that are lost at siesta (20th National Theater Festival – Rio Negro, Argentina, V International Theater Festival Mercosur 2005), among more than twenty shows premiered.