Carlos Huerta Pardo

In this season

Carlos started dancing at age of 11, at a professional dance conservatory in Valencia, Spain. From 2008. to 2010., he studied ballet and contemporary dance at the Central School of Ballet in London. He also graduated from the Superior Dance Conservatory „María de Ávila“ in Madrid.

After dancing in the musical production “Around the world in 80 minutes” for two years, in 2013 he switched to the Centro Coreografico Galego ballet company, where he worked with choreographers like Johan Inger and Amaury LeBran. In 2014 Carlos moved on to the PasoDos ballet company in Mallorca, before joining the German Landestheater Detmold, under the artistic direction of Richard Lowe, in 2016.

In 2019 Carlos has joined the ballet of the Croatian National Theater Ivana pl. Zajca where he so far danced in „Nutcracker“ by Mauro de Candia (the role of Pirlipat), “Lace” by Maša Kolar, “Burning water” by Andonis Foniadakis, and „Odyssey“ by Walter Matteini (the role of Telemach), „Pathetique“ by Douglas Lee and „Le Sacre du printemps“ by Maša Kolar.