Alessandra Garanzini

In this season

Fashion and costume designer from Milan, Italy.

She begins to work both in fashion and theater from the early 2000s. Between 2004 and 2006 she continued her experiences as assistant stage direction set and costumes for ‘Bohème’, ‘L’Elisir d’Amore’, ‘Il Barbiere di Siviglia’ staged by Opecam company of Milan and ‘L’Italiana in Algeri’ and assistant stage director internship at the Opéra National in Paris. From 2010 to 2015 she worked for her woman fashion brand ‘Thaïs’. Since 2015 she has designed the costumes for the operas ‘La Finta Semplice’ (Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte, Montepulciano 2015) ‘La Favola di Natale’ (Piccolo Regio-Teatro Regio di Torino 2017) and ‘L ’Impresario in Angustie’ (Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte, Montepulciano 2018) with the direction of Caterina Panti Liberovici with whom she works also for the children and youth opera projects ‘Carmen’ (Beijing China 2019) and ‘Fidelio in der Cloud’.