Andrei Köteles

Ballet pedagogue

After finishing the ballet school in the romanian city of Cluj-Napoca in 1991, Andrei got accepted to the Ballet of the National Theatre and Opera Timisoara. He moved to Rijeka in 1994, where he has been dancing small and leading roles at the Ballet of the Croatian National Theatre Ivana pl. Zajca, even performing as a principal dancer for several years.

Andrei has created many highly memorable role in ballets such as: „Mathilde” and „Seven Deadly Sins” and „The Miraculous Mandarin“ by choreographer Milko Šparemblek; „La Fille Mal Gardee“ and „Coppelia“ by choreographer Norman Dixona; „Esmeralda” and „Peer Gynt” by choreographer Slavko Pervan; „Tango” by choreographer Edward Clug; „Do you love Brahmsa?”, „Marquezomania”, „Romeo & Juliete”, „The Process“, „Song of Songs”, „Circus Primitif Ballet” – all choreographed by Staša Zurovac; „Love and Solitude” choreographed by Gagik Ismailian; „Soul Mirror” by choreographer Patrick Delcroix; „Ana Karenjina” choreographed by Dinko Bogdanić; „Midsummer Night’s Dream” choreographed by Leo Mujić; „Nutcracker” in two diferent versions – by Ronald Savković and Mauro de Candia; „Hero is tired“ by Giuseppe Spota etc. He also collaborated, as a choreographer, with the Croatian Drama and Italien Drama on projects „Jazz”, „La Vaccaria” and „Filumena Marturano”.

Andrei is six times winner of the Audience Award „Olga Orlova“ for the best male ballet roles in ballet repertoire during the seasons: 2004./2005., 2005./2006., 2006./2007., 2007./2008., 2008./2009., 2009./2010. He was nominated for the Croatian Theatre Award three times – in 2010, 2011 and 2013. In 2010 Andrei was awarded the City of Rijeka Annual Award for exceptional dancing creations in ballet productions of the CNT Ivana pl. Zajca. Since 2019 Andrei has been working as the ballet pedagogue at the dance studio of the Youth Theatre Kamov (affiliated to the HNK Ivana pl. Zajca).