Filipe Portugal

In this season

Began his dance studies at the National Conservatory in Lisbon, Portugal with Georges Garcia as his main mentor. After his graduation he was invited by the director Jorge Salavisa to join the National Ballet of Portugal, starting his career as a professional dancer. Six years later he joins the Ballet Zürich under the direction of Heinz Spoerli, where he becomes a principal dancer. Between these two companies he had the opportunity to dance pieces by choreographers such as George Ballanchine, John Cranko, Patrice Bart, Jiri Kylian, Matz Ek, William Forsythe, Hans Van Manen, Nacho Duato, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Marco Goecke, Crystal Pite, Edward Clug, Douglas Lee, Martin Schläpfer, Nils Christie, Heinz Spoerli, Christian Spuck, Vasco Wellenkamp, Rui Lopes Graça and others. He made his choreographic debut in Portugal for a choreographic workshop with the piece „Anfractus”, which was the one chosen to be part of the Company’s repertoire. Later, already in Zurich, he began creating pieces for the Ballet Zürich and the Junior Ballet under the direction of Heinz Spoerli and later Christian Spuck. Always having the enormous support of his directors, he created more than 10 pieces for Zurich, but was also able to start creating abroad. In 2018 he makes his North American debut with „Stepping Over” for Ballet Charlotte, which will also be performed with Ballet Ireland. For Noverre-Young Choreographershe creates for the dancers of the Stuttgart Ballet the piece „Heavy Lightness”.„Thoughts of a Silent Night” is created for Shanghai Ballet, „Reecontres” for Cannes Junior Ballet, „Teu Corpo Meu Eco” for Nacional Ballet of Portugal, „Shelter” together with Stephen Delattre for Delattre Dance Company among others.

Filipe is looking forward to creating Ravel’s „Spanish Rhapsody” for the wonderful dancers of the Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka.