Ina Broeckx

In this season

Ina Broeckx (born 2 June 1971), a native of Belgium, graduated from the Royal Ballet School, Antwerp (Belgium) and has danced with internationally renowned companies such as the Nederlands Dans Theater II, the Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours, Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo, the Opéra National de Lyon and the Fondazione Nazionale della Danza – Compagnia Aterballetto. During her career, she has been fortunate enough to dance in works by world-famous choreographers, including Balanchine, Jirí Kilián, Hans Van Manen, Mats Ek, William Forsythe, Angelin Preljoçaj, Nacho Duato, Ohad Naharin, Paul Lightfoot, Itzik Galilli, Jacopo Godani, Maguy Marin, John Alleyne, Karole Armitage, Claude Brumachon and many others. She has also participated in a number of international festivals and fundraising galas around the world, such as for AIDS and Alzheimer’s. Since 2000 she has worked at Walter Matteini’s side, designing costumes and sets and being actively involved in the conceptualisation of all productions. In 2009, together with Walter Matteini, she founded imPerfect Dancers Company where she has since been artistic director, co-choreographer and dancer.