Ivan Šimatović

In this season

Ivan Šimatović (Zagreb, 1992) student of opera singing on Academy of Music in Zagreb in the
class of professor Giorgio Surian.

• 1st place in Regional competition for students of music and dancing in Zagreb 2015
• 1st place in State competition for students of music and dancing in year 2016 in
• 1st place in International competition Lav Mirski in Osijek in the year 2017.
• 3rd prize and special prize for the best performance of the piece composed by croatian
composer Boris Papandopulo on Competition for young artists Papandopulo

• In December 2014, he played the role of Marko in the operetta Momci na brod, in theatre
Mala scena in Zagreb.
• In April 2015 he performed at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, playing a role of
Francois Pauguignol in the opera Madame Buffault written by Boris Papandopulo within
the festival of Music biennial Zagreb.
• In 2017 he played the role of Revirnik in Opera Cunning little vixen composed by Leoš
Janaček which was performed at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb.
• In January 2018 he performed with Croatian Philharmonic Orchestra in Concert hall
Vatroslav Lisinski in Zagreb
• In season 2017/2018 he performed at the Croatioan National Theatre in Zagreb, playing
a role of Guglielmo in opera Cosi fan tutte written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
• In October 2018 he played main role of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski in Croatian National opera
Nikola Šubić Zrinjski written by Ivan pl. Zajc which was performed in Croatian National
Theatre in Rijeka
• In season 2018/2019 he played role of Gregorio in opera Romeo et Juliette written by
Charles Gounod which was performed in Croatioan National Theatre in Rijeka