Noa Gabriel Siluvangi

In this season

Noa Gabriel Siluvangi was born in Nyon, Switzerland. He started dancing at the age of four. In his early years Noa trained in folklore and urban dances. It’s only at the age of 16 that he discovered ballet with Elisabeth Laurent at the school CFP Arts Appliquées. After just a year he joined the Formation superior at DanceArea directed by Marie-Christine Maigret De Priches. Along side his dance education in Switzerland, Noa also attempts several summer courses at Danceworks directed by Kim White in London where he had the chance to get an intensive training in classical ballet. 2019 he graduated Ècole – Atelier Rudra Béjart in Lausanne under the artistic direction of Michel Gascard. After graduation Noa moved to Den Haag to join the De Dutch Don’t Dance Division under the artistic direction of Thom Stuart and Rinus Sprong. There he had the chance to dance in wonderful works by Jiri Kilian, Hans van Manen, Nils Christe, Annegien Sneep. In 2020 Noa moved to Mainz, Germany and started working with the choreographer Stephan Delattre to later join the Delattre Dance Company where he stayed for two years. Since June 2022 Noa is a member of Rijeka Ballet Company.