PSi#26: Crises of Care: Act Respond Engage

7-11 July 2020

We are pleased to announce that PSi#26, with the theme Crises of Care: Act Respond Engage will be held in Rijeka, Croatia, from 7-11 July 2020.

Crises of Care: Act Respond Engage will take the form of five interweaving streams of research (sort of conferences-within-conference) and practice responding to contemporary issues including migration, labor, ecological collapse, and resources in our shared global society. In times of crisis, how has care become a radical act? These conferences-within-conference, or streams, will be curated by teams of scholars and practitioners, and will feature paper presentations, breakout sessions, performances, roundtable discussions, and other activities as organized by the curators of each stream. Each stream will discuss, perform, and reflect on critical practices of care at different levels: institutional and interpersonal, historical and hermeneutical, performative and pragmatic.

A focus on distributed knowledge and collective sharing of our work in and between streams will be a dramaturgical baseline of the gathering, as we seek to facilitate spontaneous convergences and productive divergences throughout the week. Each day will feature the work of two streams along with sessions that bring the whole conference together, culminating with a keynote speaker and public discussion across the streams to engage one another in shared learning. Morning sessions will take place on the campus of the University of Rijeka, and afternoon and evening sessions will take place downtown in theatre spaces and galleries, asking us to carefully consider our footprint in a city we do not usually inhabit.

The streams respond broadly to the common theme of the critical need for care across institutional borders and methodological boundaries, and develop their particular responses and flows of knowledge and performance research. Streams will include presentation of papers, performative events, discussion and demonstration of work, with each one developing their own curatorial approach.

