The coronavirus pandemic halted theatre activities, but it did not stop the work of the CNT Ivan pl. Zajc staff. Just as many others have used their time in isolation for everything they otherwise wouldn’t have found the time for, the technical staff of the Rijeka Theatre also have used the days without a theatre program to renovate the interior of the building and have shown just how much they can accomplish even while adhering to all the measures and instructions of the National Directorate. The audience is most often unaware of the complexity of their largely invisible technical operations and the technical support of individual plays. For example, while a performance is being shown of the musical “Evita” or the operas “Tristan and Isolde” or “Tosca,” or the ballet “The Nutcracker” or the upcoming dramatic spectacle “Practicing Life – Second Time,” each step of the performance is being monitored by over 30 theatre technicians.
However, since the stage on which play rehearsals and performances are usually held every day is now mostly free, the technical staff seized the opportunity to paint it. The orchestra room has been freshly painted, and soloist dressing rooms have also just been renovated. New speakers have been painted and mounted in the auditorium. Numerous wiring cables have been laid, cables for video technology have been installed, the control part of stage video monitoring has been set up, and the cables have been removed from the theatre boxes and portals. Numerous project ideas have been developed as well as the documentation of executed works. And, finally, it was time for the large central chandelier to be lowered so it could undergo extremely careful cleaning and have its light bulbs replaced.
A variety of work has been carried out, and many practical solutions have been found that will facilitate and accelerate future work. The technical staff of the CNT Rijeka have carried out an impressive number of renovations in this period!
We also have good news about the renovations being carried out by the City of Rijeka: the restoration and renovation of the toilets has been completed, and the renovation of the square in front of the Theatre is in its final stage. Now all that’s left is to end the epidemic as well. “Zajc” is ready!
Novi list – ‘Zajc’ je spreman: Djelatnici Tehnike obnavljaju unutrašnjost zgrade riječkog kazališta
Kanal Ri – Djelatnici tehnike riječkog “Zajca” obnavljaju unutrašnjost zgrade – Djelatnici tehnike Zajca obnavljaju unutrašnjost kazališta
Teklić – Riječki “Zajc” u vrijeme koronakrize: Djelatnici tehnike obnavljaju unutrašnjost zgrade
Radio Rijeka – Bez programa u HNK Zajcu: obnova, bojanje, čišćenje…
La Voce – TNC «Zajc». Cura di bellezza in tempi di Covid
Moja Rijeka – Djelatnici Tehnike obnavljaju unutrašnjost zgrade riječkog HNK