Oksana Brandiboura Kožul

In this season

Graduated from the Ballet and Choreography School in Novosibirsk, Russia. Her dancing career commenced at the Academic Theatre for Opera and Ballet in Novosibirsk where she attained the soloist status. From 1989-1991 she was a soloist at the National Theatre in Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina). From 1992. she danced as a soloist at the Croatian National Theatre Ivana pl. Zajca, Rijeka. For her interpretation of Esmeralda (as choreographed by Slavko Pervan), Oksana won the ‘Olga Orlova’ award for the best female leading rolle in ballet repertoires for seasons 2001./2002., 2002./2003. i 2003./2004.

For 8 years Oxana was also the pedagogue and choreographer at the Ballet studio of the CNT Ivana pl. Zajca, and some of her students have either danced at the Theatre or went on to join various vocational dance trainning programms. Oksana has also been actively involved in choreographing or assisting the choreographers in operas and musicals.