Ivana Kalc and Mila Čuljak

KABINET Artistic Organisation and CNT Ivan pl. Zajc coproduction
Adam Semijalac
Kristijan Vučković
Damir Jevtić

12 and 13 July at 21:30 / Torpedo

The Dancing Moms project is a kind of homage to the institute of motherhood, the artistic investigation of the motherhood performance. Family as a dominant form of organisation for reproducing of the daily life and in most cases taking care of children has experienced certain transformations. However, the greatest responsibility for social cultivation, for reproduction and the care of children in the contemporary society is borne by women. Many aspects of the research on motherhood suggest that it is still going to be a significant component of the persistent gender inequality, especially so the connection between motherhood and employment. How is it that we regard work? What are our possibilities for creating and acting through motherhood? What is the impact that our work has on the family? How much understanding for the necessities of our work do we obtain from the micro-surroundings? What does the concept “mother of 21st century” stand for and how much has it changed (in the last hundred or so years)? These are only some of the issues presented by the Dancing Moms.

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