THEATRE PARLIAMENT – Time for decisions – the future of the Rijeka Summer Nights

6 July at 19:30 / foyer CNT Ivana pl. Zajca

Theme: Time for decisions – the future of the Rijeka Summer Nights

Participants: members of the Theatre Parliament, spectators, directors of CNT Ivan pl. Zajc departments, representatives of the City, County and the Ministry of Culture.

The support of those responsible for the funding of the Rijeka Summer Nights has never been lower. On the other hand, the spectators have to choose between the beach or entertainment and folk manifestations in the vicinity of Rijeka and the Festival itself, which persistently refuses to give in to the popular entertainment, believing that it is also in the summer the art needs to have its – breakwater. This is why it is to the future of the Rijeka Summer Nights that we are going to devote a topical session of the popular Theatre Parliament, open to all those interested as well as those that are responsible.