Croatian Dance Network

Artistic organisation 21:21 and the Zagreb Youth Theatre

1 July at 20:00 / CNT Ivan pl. Zajc, performers and public together on the stage

Petra Hrašćanec & Ksenija Zec
First solo: ANATOMY OF A CAT

What makes the Anatomy of a Cat special is the creation and application of a specific technique created by combining contemporary dance techniques and the study of animal anatomy. The emphasis is put on the possibilities of anatomical changes to the body’s architecture. Dealing with a different body through the anatomy of a cat demands a very deep kinaesthetic awareness of the motion’s inner directions and physical connections as well as the area of the off-balance and suspension, which changes the perception of the space and increases the value of the motion’s dynamics. For her female role in the Anatomy of a Cat Petra Hrašćanec was nominated for the Croatian Theatre Arts Award in 2016 in the category of the Best Artistic Achievement in Dance.

MASA Dance Company

Second solo: ONA / HER

Guest performance realised in cooperation with the Croatian Dance Network.

By auto-referentiality woven through the works of sources of inspiration from Bob Fosse to Bob Dylan to Ivan Ladislav Galeta, the authors of this projects comment on the frequently complex symbiosis of life and artistic activity, sometimes almost voyeuristically and intimately challenging their own viewpoints, opinions and experiences, not sparing themselves the discomfort, embarrassment, truth and lucidity.

Sponsor of the dance program
