Neoclassical ballet after the play of the same name by William Shakespeare, to the music by Glass, Richter, Vivaldi – re-composed by Max Richter, by Mendelssohn and Martinez
The Croatian National Theatre Ivan pl. Zajc celebrated the four hundredth anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death by his comedy A Midsummer’s Night Dream in the ballet form – by a dancing, choreographic and stage masterpiece.
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a ballet of sensual and intensive touches, just as the literary work. Seventeen dancers evoked all love charms of the comedy by coordinated dance and expressive mime, while choreography had at times to be followed like fugues and canons – a few actions simultaneously.
Franka Zlatić, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” – a sensual and intense ballet masterpiece, HRT Radio Rijeka
It is obvious that such a style of ballet dancing suits the ensemble so that together with them we enjoyed the dreamy ballet of imaginative choreography. Leo Mujić knows his job well, having proved himself once again by creating an exceptional choreography. The chosen works of composers Philip Glass, Max Richter, Felix Mendelssohn and up to the Summer by Antonio Vivaldi, re-composed by Max Richter, enchanted the Rijeka public who found them breath taking.
Tomislav Mužević, Etheric dream, balet.com.hr