Primorje Aqua Maris Club of Synchronised Dancing

Choreography and direction:
Valerija Petrachina / Monica Marinelli / Jelena Garabiljević / Meri Drašković / Rebecca Domika / Ivana Host / Marta Crnčić / Iva Matanović / Aleksandra Saršon Pezelj
Petra Juranović / Rebecca Domika / Jelena Garabiljević / Monica Marinelli / Meri Drašković / Mia Šestan / Ani Jurković / Iva Matanović / Enia Šimac / Matea Butorac / Vokalni studio Rijeka

9 July at 21:00 / Kantrida Swimming Pools

Synchronized swimming is a sport consisting of aesthetically formed and rhythmic swimming moves, positions, figures and formations that swimmers perform to music in the water. It is a hybrid of swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, ballet and dance in the water, which encouraged the idea to have popular musicals performed in the water.

After the synchronised swimmers themselves had successfully put up five shows on the theme of popular musicals in the last seasons, the Rijeka Theatre is now going back to the swimming pool and the swimmers to jointly present this magic in the water to Rijeka spectators.

This year it will be Back to the ‘60s. The story is known from the musical Hairspray. It is situated in the beginning of the 60s of the last century, in the American Baltimore, the times of struggle for elementary human rights of the black and against racial segregation. Young Tracy, the main character, will become a symbol of the struggle against every kind of intolerance and the struggle for the equality of the other ones. The musical in the water brings back the beautiful dance music from the beginning of the 60s, while the coaches of the Primorje Aqua Maris Club have created choreographies that will be performed by ninety Rijeka synchronised swimmers, including the youngest, with the technical and creative support of the CNT Ivan pl. Zajc. The swimmers will perform to the music by the Vocal Studio Rijeka.