Sanja Milardović & Petar Cvirn

TeatruM Art Organisation, Zagreb
Authors and performers:
Sanja Milardović / Petar Cvirn

18 July at 19:30 / Vladimir Nazor Park

For the age of: 5+

Šumastikus is a new devised theatre by the awarded actors Sanja Milardović and Petra Cvirn. This is a story of two, apparently totally different children, that is, characters. They find each other in the forest and depend exclusively on each other. She has an mp3 player and a pink tent, while he has a real tent. She likes listening to Taylor Swift while he likes listening to the owls. She has a number of friends while he only a few. Occasional quarrels, common discoveries, all of this, seasoned by survival in the nature and infused with magic stories from school required reading titles as the Stribor’s Forest, turns this interactive play into a magic place of our protagonists, thus also into an interesting and exciting experience for our spectators.