15 May 2018

Following a standing ovation and with tears in their eyes, the spectators of the Down, by Law by Mila Čuljak in the performance of Jelena Lopatić, found it hard to share with us their comments: “It broke my heart, I can’t”, “I find it hard to say anything right now”, “Jelena is acting as if it were not acting, life is… I’m a father, I don’t want to be pathetic, I would just like to hug Mila and Jelena”.

Still, a comment by a spectator, a mother: “Most intimate. I’m emotionally broken… by the feelings and the milieu that the actress conveys and the topic, all of which is emotionally charged, while actually positive. It is unbelievable how despite such a topic and performance the authors managed to avoid the pathos. You cannot but feel this pain, although on stage it could go in the wrong direction. This is a life level of pain that manages to find the strength for the positive, the breakdown of life that finally takes you to the positive side of life. Humour also makes part of the authentic story.”

It is quite obvious now that this performance contributes to the understanding, support and companionship – down, by law. We believe that the list of people providing happiness is growing…

The author of the text, director and choreographer is Boris’s mother Mila Čuljak, the dramaturge is Nataša Antulov, author of music Adam Semijalac, costume and set designer Mejra Mujičić and lighting designer Alan Vukelić. The staging was created in the coproduction of the Zajc Lab Croatian Drama and the artistic association Co-authorship initiative OOUR from Zagreb.

See to it that you are at Delta 5 for the reruns on 16th and 17th May at 19:30 hours and in June on 6th, 7th and 8th at the same time.