Jasmin Mekić, Croatian Drama principal actor of CNT Ivan Zajc, brought us the “old pervert,” Charles Bukowski, during morning coffee on April 8th. At noon, the Slovenian tenor Alijaž Farasin won the internet’s heart with a performance of the aria “Core ‘ngrato” by Salvatore Cordiferro, with piano accompaniment by Igor Vlajnić. He admonished us to try to keep up hope and optimism in spite of everything, with the hope that we will be stronger, wiser and better once this is all over, both as individuals and as a community. In the afternoon, you could tour a virtual exhibition of ballet photographer Fanni Tutek Hajnal’s work, presented by Maša Kolar, director of the CNT Ivan Zajc Ballet. At the time for children’s lullabies, Ana Majdak sang two songs from the musical “The Sound of Music.” Late evening brought us, in addition to the pink super moon in the sky, a new opportunity to watch one of Zajc’s plays: the Italian Drama company’s “La locandiera / The Mistress of the Inn”, directed by Paolo Magelli.
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