Sophocles - Delprato

Director and author of adaptation:
Nikolina Židek
Adaptation of costumes:
Lighting design:
Rafael Rodriguez
Assistant director:
Puppet Designers:
Stjepan Buković / Vladimir Tomić / Željko Kranjčević Winter / Rajna Gruden / Ana Blašković / Snježana Jurić
Lejla Hasanović
Dušan Potkrajac / Željko Dešić
Stage manager:

April 25, 2020. (Postponed due to the pandemic. New date: July 3, 2020.)

Coproduction: Croatian Drama of the CNT Ivan pl. Zajc with the Rijeka City Puppet Theatre

Oedipus the King is the fundamental work of the theatre belonging to the European cultural sphere, Sophocles’ most significant play that Aristotle used as the best example for the explanation of the idea of a tragic destiny. One of the most awarded artists from Cordoba, Luciano Delprato, will offer a contemporary reading the classical drama literature, thus bringing this school reading list title closer to the young audience. With the help of the new media, puppet theatre an animation of objects, this chamber production will make Oedipus the King important for those who encounter this title for the first time, but also those who are well acquainted with all the complexity of Greek tragedies. We can easily announce this staging of Oedipus the King as a classic for new generations, those who will be able to read Sophocles as their contemporary, and not as a dusty reading list title.


The play does not include an intermission and lasts approximately one hour and fifteen minutes.


Special thanks to the Rijeka City Puppet Theatre workshops.


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