Premiere ALFA ROMEO JANKOVITSLaura Marchig
Set design:
Lighting design:
Sound design:
Assistant set designer:
Stage manager:
Premiere: March 27, 2021
Coproduction: CNT Ivan pl. Zajc Rijeka, Golden Show srl Impresa Sociale, Teatro Rossetti Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Associazione Culturale Tinaos
We thank the partners who supported the project and funded the historical research:
The artistic organization Fedra Art Project
Association for the Free State of Rijeka
A historic reconstruction of one of the most improbable occurrences in our city. The Jankovits brothers of Rijeka created a car in the 1930s that was revolutionary at the time. Unfortunately, the events that followed a few years later erased the memory of that event. Until today!
The play will be performed in Italian with Croatian surtitles.
Media sponsor of Italian Drama /
Partner mediatico del Dramma italiano