Sophocles - Delprato

Director and author of adaptation:
Adaptation of costumes:
Assistant director:
Stage manager:

April 25, 2020. (Postponed due to the pandemic. New date: July 3, 2020.)

Croatian Drama of the CNT Ivan pl. Zajc in collaboration with the City Puppet Theatre of Rijeka

Five brilliant actors: Edi Ćelić, Dean Krivačić, Mario Jovev, Alex Đaković and Nikola Nedić; a table, puppets on pedestals, chairs, a stand and a microphone, incredible acting energy, tangible emotional transformations and an amazing blend of living people and animated puppets – that is “Oedipus the King.”
Director Luciano Delprato, with his inventive and sparkling ideas, captured the audience in the thrill of watching an ancient story painted with visions of today. […] therefore an endless, huge “bravo” for a pearl of a show that is a must-see.

Gloria Fabijanić Jelović, HRT Radio Rijeka


The show has no intermission and lasts approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.


Special thanks to the workshops of the City Puppet Theatre of Rijeka.


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