Ariston Proballet, Italy

Neoclassical ballet
Marcello Algeri
Sabrina Rinaldi
Andrea Lombardi / ATELIER Proballet

4 July at 20:00 / CNT Ivan pl. Zajca

Rock Bach Concert, just as life, consists of the black and the white, the morning and the night, the passionate and the lyrical… The black in this performance does not imply the colourless, but the powerful and able to absorb all other colours. The art, the ballet, the movement without prejudice to the music of the legendary bands the Pink Floyd and Deep Purple that emanates irresistible energy and the strong rhythm entailing the modern dance language. The white is danced to the all-time music of Bach. As it is with the musicians, so are the dancers complied by Bach’s music to seriousness and performing precision. This music requires artists’ superior classical technique and interpretation, developed by years-long work, while at the same time leading the movement to a wonderful unrestrained exuberance and freedom.

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