Zijah Sokolović

Director and author of adaptation:
Assistant to director:
Lighting design:
Associate for movement and dance:
Video Associate:

19It is Olivera Baljak who is the greatest asset of this production. She is the daughter, mother, friend, also a friend’s friend, her student daughter, her son, her father and her husband. With all of these she never loses concentration, she does not become less convincing, does not forget to change her facial expression or the tone of voice. Not for a second does she become boring or uninteresting and you never need to have someone else on the stage. Olivera Baljak, hats off to you!

Anja Nežić, Brilliant  Olivera Baljak in the one-dimensional female story, Ziher.hr

In brief, Olivera Baljak has shown all the magnificence of her talent as well as stage maturity. To illustrate this, we need to say that Baljak is dancing, singing, howling like a dog, but, first of all, she is acting, playing herself, me, you, every woman that you know or still have to meet. All the sorrows and some joy when you are sixty, all the fears of what is yet to come… The main actress bears her emotions but also all the characters that she bears her sixty year long imprint of, giving to many of them her stature and voice, to her father, her first landlady, husband, oncologist who treated her sister, to her sister, daughters, victims of violence and to the seller of new dishes. At the same time, she keeps talking to the imaginary people on stage and in the audience. All in all, if you have never liked monodrama, the one with Olivera Baljak you definitely will learn to love.

Tatjana Sandalj, Olivera Baljak filled the premiere audience with enthusiasm, HRT Radio Rijeka