Premiere NIGHT SCHOOL / NOĆNA ŠKOLA (working title)
Part of the Rijeka Youth Theatre Kamov programme
The project Night School (Noćna škola) is the first cooperation of the Croatian drama company with the study programme Acting and Media of the Academy of Applied Arts, University in Rijeka. Vedrana Klepica, one of the most perspective writers of the younger generation, is writing the text, inspired by one of the Rijeka hushed-up issues, namely the one on teenagers committed to the Lopača psychiatric hospital due to the alleged behaviour disorders. Night School does not attempt to reconstruct these events, but is an artistic response to the way therapy treatments can become traumatic; dealing with the message from the young with behaviour disorders, namely, who is it that determines such a disorder and with regard to what, also why the community is silent on this issue. The Night School creates a metaphorically closed system dealing with the issue of social stratification and arbitrariness to which the seemingly socially troublesome and delinquent young are exposed by the abstract and incoherent system the main purpose of which is not to get to the core of the problem of a lost generation but only to punish them. Is delinquency the only way the young can oppose the society that bases its framework on dogmas?