In one of its layers Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel stirs controversy with socialist realism as an artistic doctrine inaugurated first in the Soviet Union, then also other countries of the Eastern bloc. Nowadays, in the times of the totalitarianism of permissiveness, Bulgakov’s novel is there for new readers and scenic interpretations. The old centres of power have disappeared, ideological frameworks have changed, however, art, if worthy of this name, can still provoke, even mobilise the repressive forces of a society, which we have been able to witness in the last two years. Even today, the tacitly accepted artistic doctrines regulate socially acceptable forms and contents, but also the sanctions for those who dare reach out of their framework. Selma Spahić is one of the best regional theatre authors of the younger generation, having been awarded a number of times in festivals in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the region, also a frequent guest in festivals in Germany, Switzerland and Poland. She is the artistic director of the International Theatre Festival MESS. Her first collaborator on this project, Dino Pešut, is one of the most awarded young Croatian playwrights, three times already the laureate of the Marin Držić prize, awarded by the Ministry of Culture.