Adonis Foniadakis

Water is the source of life, but also a destructive force. Though we use it to survive, many redirect it to be able to manage it, some use it to obtain material wealth – but, no one can truly control it. Water is grandiose in its duality; it is an element which, if we let things go, can completely relax and calm us down, but, also, with the same ease (with its cataclysmic waves) it can destroy us and devastate all that we know. The choreography is focused on the contrasting nature of water; on reactions and adaptations of the human body to the presence of water, not forgetting the emotional and sentimental impacts of water on the human soul. This is why next to the physical aspects, that is, the interactions between the human body and water, the metaphorical aspect of water will also be investigated. The water that flows can symbolise challenge, vitality, victory, change… and this is where a point emerges in which the man and water both conceptually and physically merge, unite and create an essentially different experience of reality. What is characteristic and recognisable for Foniadakis is stylistically within the framework of modern dance based on the use of complex, exceptionally dynamic movements with frequent and unexpected changes of gravity, direction and tempo, also repetitions of choreographic sequences in the forms the diversity of which corresponds to the un/predictability of water.


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