4 ALLEGROS, 1 ALLEGRETTO AND 2 BOLEROSLudwig van Beethoven, Fredric Chopin and Maurice Ravel
4 allegra, 1 allegretto
BOLERO: Zid tišine
BOLERO, Andonis Foniadakis
Animated and energetic, with interesting dancers of various personalities and dancing abilities, this is an ensemble that fills the stage and enjoys performing.
Iva Nerina Sibila, Plesna scena.hr
Choreographer Kristian Lever named his work Wall of Silence. There is actually an old Wall on stage, whose memory (as walls have ears…) that is imbued with music will evoke shadow-like beings, namely, a group of seven dancers who are facing each other again. (…)
Five performers, perfectly synchronised, serious, devoted to the performance, vibrate and jump on five small trampolines in a strict and precise form of the chain-linked series of movement. While the audience reactions vary between astonishment and laugh facing these ungainly exotic jumping birds in a 2D style, it is with seriousness and happy engagement that they respond to this out of the ordinary challenge of choreographer Andonis Foniadakis, evoking continually new associations. In the clear and humorous concept, there is place for communicating with bolero classics (Bronislava Nižinska and Béjart), too, as well as with its broader use.
Maja Đurinović, Plesna scena.hr
All of this with a great ease and musicality that leaves stamp on this shorter work. Balanchinovski merging choreography, dance and music, introducing dancers when a new instrument or motif is introduced, Maša Kolar playing cheerfully and cleverly with qualities of the optimistic and joyful Bernstein’s spirit.
Sanja Petrovski, Plesna scena.hr